latest 8 messages by pgimeno

+ [2015-12-04T02:12:05Z] pgimeno VxJasonxV: the weird thing is that it didn't appear in the Wiki of my project after cloning, but when I tried to save a page, suddenly everything appeared and the page save failed (because it already existed)
+ [2015-12-04T02:10:20Z] pgimeno VxJasonxV: thank you
+ [2015-12-04T00:14:36Z] pgimeno it sounds like a bug in github
+ [2015-12-04T00:13:39Z] pgimeno hm, weird... the old wiki appeared when I created the first page
+ [2015-12-04T00:02:16Z] pgimeno in case it helps someone else it seems that I need to create a page to create the repo, and then to get rid of that commit, I can use git reset, then git push --force
+ [2015-12-04T00:00:54Z] pgimeno I'm doing tests with a test repo, I think I know how to do it now
+ [2015-12-03T23:36:11Z] pgimeno sounds like my repo does not exist yet, but I'm concerned that I won't be able to push to it if I create a page
+ [2015-12-03T23:35:19Z] pgimeno how can I fork the wiki of an abandoned project? when I try to add it as upstream and my wiki's repo as origin, it says "access denied or repository not exported"