latest 20 messages by pgtaboada

+ [2016-10-07T16:43:18Z] pgtaboada I have a collection of posts for the category Screencasts, some of them have the property "order". this way I want to generate a list of introductory screencasts
+ [2016-10-07T16:38:22Z] pgtaboada where order is 1...n
+ [2016-10-07T16:38:14Z] pgtaboada property in the posts I need
+ [2016-10-07T16:37:55Z] pgtaboada I have a order: 1
+ [2016-10-07T16:37:23Z] pgtaboada jaybe: ok, now it is compiling again, but I am back to "collection is empy" problem
+ [2016-10-07T16:34:11Z] pgtaboada {% assign items = site.categories.Screencasts | where_exp "order", "order>0" | sort: 'order' %}
+ [2016-10-07T16:34:02Z] pgtaboada wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 3)
+ [2016-10-07T16:25:50Z] pgtaboada what is wrong with that
+ [2016-10-07T16:25:38Z] pgtaboada {% assign items = site.categories.Screencasts | where 'order', "order>0" | sort: 'order' %}
+ [2015-11-26T23:39:36Z] pgtaboada thanks anyway
+ [2015-11-26T23:39:32Z] pgtaboada still looking
+ [2015-11-26T23:39:20Z] pgtaboada I just don't know why the one post is brokn
+ [2015-11-26T23:39:02Z] pgtaboada it is nos a/_posts and b/_posts
+ [2015-11-26T23:38:50Z] pgtaboada but I think I got it
+ [2015-11-26T23:38:42Z] pgtaboada not the sources