latest 18 messages by ph88

+ [2019-03-30T11:58:31Z] ph88 or actually i'm more interested in the commit where the file got removed
+ [2019-03-30T11:57:38Z] ph88 how can i find the last commit of a file that is no longer in the repository ?
+ [2016-02-21T23:29:39Z] ph88 A: Try using another port than 8080
+ [2016-02-21T23:29:30Z] ph88 Q: Failed to listen on localhost:8080 (reason: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permission)
+ [2016-02-21T23:29:26Z] ph88 well right now i only have one
+ [2016-02-21T23:28:06Z] ph88 just Q: then A:
+ [2016-02-21T23:28:02Z] ph88 no
+ [2016-02-21T22:12:32Z] ph88 what markdown syntax can i use for a Q/A list ?
+ [2016-02-21T17:40:15Z] ph88 just a FAQ
+ [2016-02-21T17:40:11Z] ph88 dunno ?
+ [2016-02-21T17:37:47Z] ph88 what markdown syntax can i use for a Q/A list ?
+ [2016-02-21T13:10:44Z] ph88 what markdown syntax can i use for a Q/A list ?
+ [2016-02-21T03:32:15Z] ph88 what markdown syntax can i use for a Q/A list ?
+ [2014-10-25T23:29:35Z] ph88 my branch of the fork into the master of the main
+ [2014-10-25T23:23:14Z] ph88 merged
+ [2014-10-25T23:23:12Z] ph88 how can i check wether my branches have been merge ?
+ [2014-10-25T23:22:34Z] ph88 can i do that on the website ?
+ [2014-10-25T23:19:28Z] ph88 how can i sync my fork with the main repo ?