latest 10 messages by phatso727

+ [2016-02-24T21:11:57Z] phatso727 I'm only 19 though, I have time to make more cool things I guess
+ [2016-02-24T21:11:41Z] phatso727 this is my first ever dev job, and I only touched jekyll or nginx for the first time in last year or so
+ [2016-02-24T21:11:23Z] phatso727 jaybe: that's super neat
+ [2016-02-24T21:11:01Z] phatso727 rockyapplepi: sort of. We sell sites, and we decide what kind of site is best for the client based on their needs
+ [2016-02-24T21:00:46Z] phatso727 so that's sorta neat
+ [2016-02-24T21:00:42Z] phatso727 so we can quickly sell new sites
+ [2016-02-24T21:00:37Z] phatso727 I made a robot that quickly creates a new jekyll site from a base jekyll site in a git repo, then it makes all hte necessary configurations in our nginx to create a new staging site
+ [2016-02-24T20:59:03Z] phatso727 how about that jekyll, huh?