latest 8 messages by philips

+ [2013-07-24T18:28:40Z] philips that will work
+ [2013-07-24T18:28:38Z] philips I just generate a config that has analytics: true appended to the bottom in a TMPFILE now
+ [2013-07-24T18:19:32Z] philips I can do a separate config but I don't like have multiple copies
+ [2013-07-24T18:19:17Z] philips Does a variable get set when doing a build? I want to put the google analytics urchin in only on builds
+ [2013-07-24T00:42:49Z] philips jaybe: oh, I was confused by the explanation. So I would need to set the permalink on every page.
+ [2013-07-24T00:41:42Z] philips jaybe: how do I set them independently? where is the blog confirugation?
+ [2013-07-23T23:12:36Z] philips how do I format the permalink config option properly so my blogs are /blog/:title/index.html and my pages are /path/to/page/:titel/index.html ? When I set permalink: /:categories/:title/index.html my pages in subdirs start being :title.html