latest 16 messages by phobosoph

+ [2020-06-25T09:52:00Z] phobosoph how can I change that? :)
+ [2020-06-25T09:48:49Z] phobosoph hwo can I get rid of it and just use the root?
+ [2020-06-25T09:48:41Z] phobosoph I set up github pages, however it got a /site subdomain
+ [2020-06-03T17:48:39Z] phobosoph what is an easy way? :)
+ [2020-06-03T17:48:34Z] phobosoph just check the latest master out and then replay the PR onto it?
+ [2020-06-03T17:48:22Z] phobosoph so a PR in github has merge conflicts now. How can I rebase/fix these?
+ [2020-02-26T16:22:35Z] phobosoph otherwise it would publish a non-passing commit to npm
+ [2020-02-26T16:22:26Z] phobosoph BUT - I want that the npm publish action only works when the commit passed the tests!
+ [2020-02-26T16:22:08Z] phobosoph I also set up a npm publish action that will publish to npm when a release is tagged/committed
+ [2020-02-26T16:21:49Z] phobosoph so I set up a CI workflow that runs the tests each time a push is made to master
+ [2020-02-26T16:21:38Z] phobosoph So I discovered github actions and they look nice