latest 15 messages by phubarr

+ [2015-10-18T05:40:58Z] phubarr your instructions use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, too.
+ [2015-10-18T05:40:06Z] phubarr well mike, i can't comment on the accuracy of the information, but i can honestly say that it is presented very well
+ [2015-10-18T03:14:13Z] phubarr thank you mmikeww !!
+ [2015-10-18T01:37:27Z] phubarr do experts exist? are they as rare a human albinos?
+ [2015-10-18T01:29:18Z] phubarr the learning curve is like a learning mountain, of mount everest magnitude
+ [2015-10-18T01:27:59Z] phubarr you have to be a guru in order to do something simple
+ [2015-10-18T01:27:34Z] phubarr git is insane
+ [2015-10-18T01:25:59Z] phubarr yeah i see what tmcmahon is saying... yes i dont want to lose his code by wiping my repo
+ [2015-10-18T01:25:06Z] phubarr ah, crap...
+ [2015-10-18T01:23:00Z] phubarr mmike: would that require command line work? or can i do that via the website?
+ [2015-10-18T01:22:09Z] phubarr so I can't simply erase and re-fork... or yes, that is a good idea, i would've done that
+ [2015-10-18T01:21:43Z] phubarr On my copy of his repo, I have code that the guy erased, and I wanted to keep that
+ [2015-10-18T01:17:38Z] phubarr When I click fork, it just brings me to my copy of his repo. The branch isn't brought into my copy of his repo. It just doesn't work. Am I taking crazy pills?
+ [2015-10-18T01:16:46Z] phubarr I forked someone's repo ages ago. Recently they added a new branch to that repo, and I wanted to add that branch to my copy of his repo, but when I visit his branch and click fork, it doesn't work. Can someone provide any input?
+ [2015-10-18T01:07:32Z] phubarr Anyone home?