latest 13 messages by pi-_

+ [2015-11-03T17:42:25Z] pi-_ Let's see what happens!
+ [2015-11-03T17:42:21Z] pi-_ thanks milki, I have given it a go
+ [2015-11-03T17:34:25Z] pi-_ Is there not a single github person here? :| I thought it was worth a shot
+ [2015-11-03T17:33:35Z] pi-_ But there is oodles of margin space on either side
+ [2015-11-03T17:33:13Z] pi-_ On my screen many of those lines are too long to fit properly
+ [2015-11-03T17:32:48Z] pi-_ e.g.
+ [2015-11-03T17:32:45Z] pi-_ It has huge margins, and a right-hand panel that cannot be removed
+ [2015-11-03T17:32:30Z] pi-_ I find it repeatedly frustrating that gist wastes so much horizontal space
+ [2015-02-13T23:50:18Z] pi-_ J1G|Anon126: I think I will go with that. Would I also delete and recreate the repo on github?
+ [2015-02-13T23:45:54Z] pi-_ yep
+ [2015-02-13T23:41:47Z] pi-_ `git reset --soft HEAD~4` gives: "fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD~4': unknown revision or path not in the working tree."
+ [2015-02-13T23:39:57Z] pi-_ J1G|Anon126: thanks, it is a new repo and I will be bashing it into shape for a couple of days before presenting it to the world, so I think I should get away with it in this case.
+ [2015-02-13T23:34:41Z] pi-_ Is there any way of tidying up my repo by somehow squashing commits? For example I've just done 4 trivial commits. Can I just remove all of them and push again?