latest 11 messages by pilne

+ [2016-06-17T22:15:36Z] pilne and again ty :)
+ [2016-06-17T22:00:56Z] pilne and markdown :) stoked!
+ [2016-06-17T22:00:45Z] pilne ooooh, side benefit of jekyll i get to dive into yaml, i've been meaning to learn a serialization language
+ [2016-06-17T20:44:46Z] pilne awesome, thank you :)
+ [2016-06-17T20:41:18Z] pilne ty, will read, and noted.
+ [2016-06-17T20:37:40Z] pilne i currently serve my blog at a "http//" type url, and would prefer to keep it that way using jekyll (currently ghost) the first couple tutorials i've found for jekyll advise against this without showing a good work-around for the issues presented, my google-fu is faililng me :(
+ [2016-06-15T20:03:53Z] pilne but i'm one of those people that is actually hapy with ubuntu's repos and use the MATE version of it quite contendedly about 97% of the time
+ [2016-06-15T20:02:25Z] pilne true, i just do things the easy way out and use rvm or rbenv for anything (i do it for rust, haskell, and python too when i have to use those)
+ [2016-06-15T20:01:00Z] pilne fedora is linux though
+ [2016-06-13T20:04:04Z] pilne just recently really got to dive into ruby, and i keep saying "why didn't i do this sooner" especially when I find a tool that is similar (often better) to one i've already been using...
+ [2016-06-13T19:45:04Z] pilne why oh why didn't I go with jekyll first... sooooooo much nicer than ghost, better late than never eh?