latest 16 messages by pirla

+ [2020-05-04T07:34:47Z] pirla Made it: git submodule update
+ [2020-05-04T07:31:35Z] pirla what should I do?
+ [2020-05-04T07:25:46Z] pirla submodule status:
+ [2020-05-04T07:24:39Z] pirla How can I tell?
+ [2020-05-04T07:24:29Z] pirla Maybe
+ [2020-05-04T07:24:20Z] pirla I guess yes, I see 113 commits
+ [2020-05-04T07:23:18Z] pirla so, what can I do? I didn't edit any file
+ [2020-05-04T07:22:22Z] pirla twb I pastebin-ed the output of git status
+ [2020-05-04T07:20:34Z] pirla
+ [2020-05-04T07:19:35Z] pirla Meanwhile, please, check this out:
+ [2020-05-04T07:18:13Z] pirla someone else
+ [2020-05-04T07:17:47Z] pirla I receive an "already up to date", but in GitHub Desktop, such changes are still marked as not applyed someway
+ [2020-05-04T07:16:33Z] pirla this is ok, how can I do? I also have Git for Windows
+ [2020-05-04T07:15:44Z] pirla I'm using GitHub desktop
+ [2020-05-04T07:15:24Z] pirla I have a problem, a repo named armsdk has made changes, how do I sync those to my local machine?
+ [2020-05-04T07:14:58Z] pirla hello everyone