latest 17 messages by pisto

+ [2016-10-26T18:15:11Z] pisto uhm, looks like pushbullet does what I need, even though it relies on an external provider
+ [2016-10-26T18:00:59Z] pisto anyway, I would like to avoid setting up a web server for that, that's why I'd prefer something else
+ [2016-10-26T18:00:40Z] pisto got its own tab
+ [2016-10-26T18:00:36Z] pisto it's no longer under services
+ [2016-10-26T18:00:18Z] pisto yes that's the webhook
+ [2016-10-26T17:58:05Z] pisto no, as a service
+ [2016-10-26T17:57:53Z] pisto something like an endpoint to make http requests to, that blocks until something happens
+ [2016-10-26T17:57:34Z] pisto hello. is there a way to get notifications for a repository without polling and without a back connect (the webhook)?
+ [2015-09-11T13:25:16Z] pisto
+ [2015-09-11T13:23:23Z] pisto /master/
+ [2015-09-11T13:23:17Z] pisto however command is 'wget -qO-'
+ [2015-09-11T13:22:59Z] pisto well honestly it doesn't seem it's happening right now, but I saw that happening a couple of days ago
+ [2015-09-11T12:57:24Z] pisto since I rely on updates pushed to github for some text files, I'd like to know a way to get the newest version always
+ [2015-09-11T12:56:54Z] pisto instead if fetching with wget/curl, I don't get immediately the newest commit
+ [2015-09-11T12:56:41Z] pisto hello. When I open a file in the raw view, that file is always up to date to HEAD if I fetch it with "normal" browsers
+ [2014-12-30T19:15:08Z] pisto ah
+ [2014-12-30T19:12:03Z] pisto hello. what's not working with my attempt to create user pages? I got this , but is 404