latest 14 messages by pjc_

+ [2016-02-20T19:19:37Z] pjc_ find it useful. Thanks again for your help.
+ [2016-02-20T19:19:37Z] pjc_ Hey, I'm back with a partial solution. Indeed, looking for a css solution (as jaybe suggested in the first place), I was able to remove the gist legend altogether. Just doing: ".gist-meta {display:none;}" on my jekyll css style did the trick. However, this is not *strictly* what I wanted: this removes both the heart icon and the "hosted by GitHub" legend, which I should preserve as credit. But this is indeed a step forward! I'll keep you posted in case you
+ [2016-02-20T19:03:33Z] pjc_ Thanks. See you around.
+ [2016-02-20T19:02:48Z] pjc_ Well, thank you guys very much for all your help. I'm new to this irc thing, I'm sorry if I engage the channel in a wrong/unpolite way at the beginning. You've been very helpful.
+ [2016-02-20T19:00:21Z] pjc_ jaybe: Thanks for the idea!
+ [2016-02-20T18:58:50Z] pjc_ jaybe: oh, I see, I would not have thought of that.
+ [2016-02-20T18:57:25Z] pjc_ osfameron: Yes. It's my page at the university. Pretty static, but I also keep a blog in which I regularly post on new publications related to my field, and also put codes for my students to try an play (basically, fluid dynamics calculations).
+ [2016-02-20T18:54:59Z] pjc_ You make a good point. My intent is to embed gists with my own python code for my students. And I'm not trying to get rid of the "hosted by GitHub" part, which I would like to preserve, it's just the "heart" icon.
+ [2016-02-20T18:51:25Z] pjc_ jaybe: From what i've seen, the legend on the gist embed that I'm trying to get rid of is not css. It's basically *that thing* (the heart icon on the legend) that's bothering me, because my university host has a strict "no emoticons" policy on official web pages.
+ [2016-02-20T18:45:20Z] pjc_ Oh ok great, thanks jaybe for your help. Just for info: do you know if Octopress plays nicely with Jupyter Notebooks? My blog is an academic one, and I tend to post mainly Jupyter notebooks.
+ [2016-02-20T18:40:36Z] pjc_ like to know if there's an API with which I could customise the embedded gist style. Thanks in advance.
+ [2016-02-20T18:40:36Z] pjc_ Hello everyone again. After reading the fine on how to ask for help on irc, here I go again. I've set up my blog site with Jekyll, and it works like a charm. I embed gists with jekyll-gist gem. I would only like to know if it is possible to remove the legend "with (heart)" on the bottom of the embedded gist. I could find out that the legend is inserted by a javascript, I would only
+ [2016-02-20T18:30:40Z] pjc_ I'm sorry, I'm new to irc. I thought this was a help channel, I can't figure out how it works though.
+ [2016-02-20T18:00:14Z] pjc_ Hello, I’m new to jekyll and irc; I was looking for some help related to embedding gists in jekyll markdown.