latest 20 messages by pjstirling

+ [2016-07-10T01:32:02Z] pjstirling it might be worth adding to the docs somewhere that you need to "dnf install redhat-rpm-config"
+ [2016-07-10T01:29:51Z] pjstirling by the way, I found out what was causing serve --watch not to work on fedora, the native bit of the ffi library failed to build properly, and things were silently failing
+ [2016-07-10T00:41:20Z] pjstirling anyway., I was proposing (so as to get around the backwards compatibility issue) that a post_url2 tag got introduced that inserted baseurl so that links actually worked for people
+ [2016-07-10T00:40:18Z] pjstirling yes, I saw that link earlier and it still isn't a justification for the current bahaviour, it just says how things work
+ [2016-07-10T00:37:16Z] pjstirling which is clearly a lie :)
+ [2016-07-10T00:37:07Z] pjstirling from the text in that link "If you would like to include a link to a post on your site, the post_url tag will generate the correct permalink URL for the post you specify."
+ [2016-07-10T00:35:36Z] pjstirling and the generated link doesn't include the baseurl component
+ [2016-07-10T00:35:11Z] pjstirling the text I used was "I wrote some more on `symbols` [here]({% post_url 2016-06-05-Symbols %})"
+ [2016-07-10T00:34:14Z] pjstirling I used post_url and it doesn't do the right thing
+ [2016-07-10T00:33:56Z] pjstirling I was writing a post and wanted to create a link to another post
+ [2016-07-10T00:29:20Z] pjstirling erm in what sense?
+ [2016-07-09T23:41:08Z] pjstirling I'll look at making a patch that adds a post_url2 tag which does the right thing so backwards compatability is preserved
+ [2016-07-09T23:40:22Z] pjstirling hmm, that's not a very sensible position to take :/
+ [2016-07-09T23:23:55Z] pjstirling if you have set baseurl because your content won't be at the root of its server, then when jekyll builds links it should take note of that
+ [2016-07-09T23:21:48Z] pjstirling right, but that's still not a justification for its behaviour :)
+ [2016-07-09T23:18:50Z] pjstirling I tried to use it like "I wrote some more on `symbols` [here]({% post_url 2016-06-05-Symbols %})"
+ [2016-07-09T23:18:40Z] pjstirling yes, but should I need to? it seems wrong
+ [2016-07-09T23:13:03Z] pjstirling miklb I expected, when I used post_url in a different post, that it would produce a clickable link, this seemed like its purpose? the unpatched variant doesn't do the right thing :)
+ [2016-07-09T21:48:39Z] pjstirling changing line 63 of post_url.rb to " return site.config['baseurl'] + p.url if @post == p" seems to do the job
+ [2016-07-09T21:40:47Z] pjstirling if I wanted to hack it in, presumably the config object is available from the context var in PostURL::render?