latest 9 messages by platzhirsch

+ [2015-10-07T10:41:25Z] platzhirsch Is there an equivalent of $ git log -p on GitHub when viewing files changes?
+ [2015-08-13T14:23:48Z] platzhirsch Is there a source code (markdown) version of Would like to fork it
+ [2014-12-14T23:11:46Z] platzhirsch pontiki: great, I think that is a good way :) thanks
+ [2014-12-14T23:06:29Z] platzhirsch pontiki: I guess that's where I'll move it then :)
+ [2014-12-14T22:59:54Z] platzhirsch it's weird that this is not so easy to achieve, I just want to place a different hero image on every page
+ [2014-12-14T22:51:27Z] platzhirsch Let's say I want to set a different background-url for my div.hero elements on every page, how would I approach that?