latest 7 messages by plexigras

+ [2017-06-24T12:31:37Z] plexigras like done here
+ [2017-06-24T12:28:03Z] plexigras how can i set a preset for issues
+ [2017-03-01T13:39:52Z] plexigras what is a gh-pages branch good for?
+ [2016-05-03T03:02:44Z] plexigras how can i create and handel multiple user identitys in git?
+ [2016-04-03T13:56:00Z] plexigras TomyLobo, awesom thanks for the answer. github is really cool just made my first pull request :D
+ [2016-04-03T12:51:45Z] plexigras in the eyes of copyright laws forking a repo is a link and not a copy right?