latest 18 messages by plsk

+ [2015-10-15T08:27:17Z] plsk :D
+ [2015-10-15T08:27:15Z] plsk Takk for input
+ [2015-10-15T08:27:07Z] plsk sadly I didn't record it. I just did it manually.
+ [2015-10-15T08:26:08Z] plsk That's the thing, there shouldn't be one. Web UI claims there is. Command line merge didn't show any.
+ [2015-10-15T08:25:09Z] plsk I changed the VERSION file from 1.30.2 to 1.32.0
+ [2015-10-15T08:23:58Z] plsk There should be, if there's a conflict!
+ [2015-10-15T08:23:52Z] plsk And there's no conflict in the latter.
+ [2015-10-15T08:23:46Z] plsk Yes
+ [2015-10-15T08:23:04Z] plsk This confuses me.
+ [2015-10-15T08:22:52Z] plsk This conflict did not show when I git merge <branch> from the command line.
+ [2015-10-15T08:22:31Z] plsk The web UI claimed I also added three new files. These files already existed in the base I created the pull request for.
+ [2015-10-15T08:21:58Z] plsk It complained about a merge conflict. I knew there would be 1 change, a VERSION file bump.
+ [2015-10-15T08:21:25Z] plsk I created a pull request from the web ui to pull a feature branch into the stage branch.
+ [2015-10-15T08:20:25Z] plsk I'll try to re-state what I said
+ [2015-10-15T08:20:08Z] plsk tobiasvl: I know this much. :)
+ [2015-10-15T08:13:25Z] plsk git
+ [2015-10-15T08:04:38Z] plsk The change is just a VERSION file, bumping it.
+ [2015-10-15T08:03:01Z] plsk Hi. I am having a merge conflict when I create a pull request in the Web UI, but not when doing it on the command line. Is this a known issue?