latest 10 messages by plumbe0

+ [2016-03-01T11:15:23Z] plumbe0 MSHughes ty, it works! i guess it'll do for now, but i'd like to include only 2 files from the folder... might contact the jekyll team and ask if it's intended or a bug
+ [2016-03-01T11:13:27Z] plumbe0 trying it
+ [2016-03-01T11:09:09Z] plumbe0 but neither of these works
+ [2016-03-01T11:09:04Z] plumbe0 also tried with: include: ["_data/myfile.json", "_data/myfile2.json"]
+ [2016-03-01T11:08:34Z] plumbe0 i added this line into my _config.yml: include: ["_data/"]
+ [2016-03-01T11:05:19Z] plumbe0 times*
+ [2016-03-01T11:05:10Z] plumbe0 hello everybody :) just a stupid question, can you include the _data folder in your build (via _config.yml)? I tried a couple of tries but it seems to ignore the include directive
+ [2015-09-15T16:49:17Z] plumbe0 have a nice time everybody! bb
+ [2015-09-15T16:48:52Z] plumbe0 nvm, found out i had extra brackets in my unless block :)
+ [2015-09-15T16:21:06Z] plumbe0 Hi everybody! I have a silly question that doesn't deserve its own thread so i'll ask here: I want to display the page title after the site name if i'm not on the home page. In my layout i have <title>siteName{{ % unless page.title == 'Home' %}} - {{ page.title }}{{ % endunless % }}</title> but the code gets executed even on the home page. What am i missing?