latest 14 messages by pnascimento

+ [2014-08-18T22:53:17Z] pnascimento i’m flat advocate :P
+ [2014-08-18T22:52:32Z] pnascimento but has a small list :(
+ [2014-08-18T22:52:27Z] pnascimento i have these site:
+ [2014-08-18T22:52:11Z] pnascimento codydh: i liked the hyde and lanyon, but they are TOO simple :(
+ [2014-08-18T22:43:31Z] pnascimento anyone knows a place with html5 templates or jekyll templates?
+ [2014-08-11T22:07:09Z] pnascimento bret: advice well received!:)
+ [2014-08-11T22:03:37Z] pnascimento bret: thank you bret :)
+ [2014-08-11T21:35:15Z] pnascimento bret: but is a very short list
+ [2014-08-11T21:35:08Z] pnascimento bret: how so? i have found this:
+ [2014-08-11T21:34:47Z] pnascimento bret: hi :) can you help me? :)
+ [2014-08-11T21:06:59Z] pnascimento hello, do you know a repo or gallery with jekyll themes?