latest 17 messages by proq

+ [2015-04-08T16:31:42Z] proq do you happen to remember which doc?
+ [2015-04-08T16:29:44Z] proq and are you speaking on behalf of github staff or just commenting that you have seen it too?
+ [2015-04-08T16:29:05Z] proq is that something that is planned to be fixed?
+ [2015-04-08T16:22:41Z] proq I heard from someone on my team that github doesn't allow comments on files past the 250th on a pull request. Is this a known issue?
+ [2015-02-03T00:54:26Z] proq how do I git clone source on a github repository that has 2FA enabled? After turning it on, it won't accept my password anymore but doesn't ask for the 2FA key
+ [2015-01-29T23:00:31Z] proq migrating pull requests looks sketchy, but it may be doable
+ [2015-01-29T22:58:26Z] proq ok. their idea of a project is "repository + pull requests"
+ [2015-01-29T22:45:49Z] proq thibaultcha: yeah, I should track this person down and stop the fud
+ [2015-01-29T22:45:19Z] proq several steps removed - there are not "plans", I've pushed a mirror over already
+ [2015-01-29T22:44:42Z] proq thibaultcha: I've done that. someone is making claims like "there are plans to migrate the repo but not any projects" and I'm trying to figure out what on earth they're talking about
+ [2015-01-29T22:42:40Z] proq which would be github enterprise running on a subdomain at a company called foo etc.
+ [2015-01-29T22:42:15Z] proq a github instance is an enterprise github account like
+ [2015-01-29T22:41:57Z] proq a project page as the one described at
+ [2015-01-29T22:40:19Z] proq in that case, the real question - is there a github API to migrate a project page from one github instance to another?
+ [2015-01-29T22:39:03Z] proq oh... a project page?
+ [2015-01-29T22:35:07Z] proq or maybe they were referring to personal repositories
+ [2015-01-29T22:33:35Z] proq is there a difference between a github repository and a github project? someone on my team is talking like they are different things