latest 8 messages by proycon

+ [2015-11-26T15:36:18Z] proycon I'm surprised that feature request page doesn't redirect to a proper github issue tracker :)
+ [2015-11-26T15:35:48Z] proycon thanks, I may do that yeah
+ [2015-11-26T14:59:07Z] proycon Why can't I scroll further back in time in $myproject/graphs/traffic ? github only shows two weeks in stats but I'd be interested in seeing basically everything
+ [2015-11-24T09:55:15Z] proycon ok, was afraid so, thanks
+ [2015-11-24T09:47:49Z] proycon I wonder if there a way to have github interpret my README as markdown without using the .md or .markdown extension (I don't want to change the filename at all) ?
+ [2015-09-17T10:38:32Z] proycon
+ [2015-09-17T10:37:50Z] proycon ah, found it
+ [2015-09-17T10:29:53Z] proycon I want to wrap abitrary sections of markdown text in something I can style with CSS (like html section tags or even just divs). Is there a way in jekyll's markdown syntax to do this?