latest 14 messages by pukeatron

+ [2014-10-16T11:54:58Z] pukeatron Nevik_: thank you very much. i'll read it now. see you, take care.
+ [2014-10-16T11:53:53Z] pukeatron but that gives the contents
+ [2014-10-16T11:53:28Z] pukeatron Nevik_: i'm trying to find something like /repos/username/reponame/list
+ [2014-10-16T11:53:05Z] pukeatron Nevik_: i have never heard of that word before. thanks. well, that url does not exist. or, it does not return anything relevant.
+ [2014-10-16T11:51:14Z] pukeatron Nevik_: thank you very much.
+ [2014-10-16T11:50:01Z] pukeatron Nevik_: did you actually opened that url?
+ [2014-10-16T11:47:05Z] pukeatron Nevik_: can you give an example for GET /repos/:owner/:repo/contents/:path ?
+ [2014-10-16T11:42:02Z] pukeatron using github api
+ [2014-10-16T11:41:32Z] pukeatron hey guys. is it possible to get file names from a repo? like getting file names from
+ [2014-10-16T07:41:53Z] pukeatron tobiasvl: thank you very much. i clicked edit and that part showed up. thank you very much
+ [2014-10-16T07:35:47Z] pukeatron sorry for my ignorance and thank you in advance
+ [2014-10-16T07:35:38Z] pukeatron how can i do this?
+ [2014-10-16T07:35:33Z] pukeatron i want to make the pull request to a branch other than master
+ [2014-10-16T07:35:26Z] pukeatron hey guys. i want to make pull request to a repo, but the repo has lots of branches.