latest 6 messages by pupute

+ [2014-02-09T09:57:32Z] pupute pontiki : thank you I'm going to try this.
+ [2014-02-09T02:37:43Z] pupute But from the answer I don't understand if it matters or not. Could someone enlight me about this ?
+ [2014-02-09T02:35:04Z] pupute I saw that someone had a similar problem :
+ [2014-02-09T02:34:29Z] pupute I'm not familiar with ruby so I don't understand what the problem is.
+ [2014-02-09T02:34:07Z] pupute Complete output here :
+ [2014-02-09T02:33:45Z] pupute Hi, I went though the "getting started" steps to host an octopress blog on heroku, and my push generates errors "Could not detect rake tasks"