latest 9 messages by purpleidea

+ [2019-06-19T15:12:59Z] purpleidea hub version 2.11.2
+ [2019-06-19T15:12:59Z] purpleidea git version 2.17.1
+ [2019-06-19T15:12:51Z] purpleidea (I've searched on google, and I can't figure out what the issue is... It's mentioned a lot, but not solved here.)
+ [2019-06-19T15:12:34Z] purpleidea Invalid value for "head"
+ [2019-06-19T15:12:34Z] purpleidea Error creating pull request: Unprocessable Entity (HTTP 422)
+ [2019-06-19T15:12:32Z] purpleidea Hi, I'm getting an error message when using `hub pull-request` it says:
+ [2016-03-10T08:24:43Z] purpleidea Seveas: don't suppose there is a more generic way (even git, not-gh specific?)
+ [2016-03-10T08:15:37Z] purpleidea i'm writing a CI script to check a change in golint errors from commit to commit. Is there any way to know what the RANGE of commits are in a pull request? Or phrased differently, which branch the pull request is "against", example script here: