latest 6 messages by qballer

+ [2015-11-10T14:49:04Z] qballer publicOrg --- lol
+ [2015-11-10T14:48:49Z] qballer hey guys does github have read:publicOrc (or something) which gives you read access to the public repos of an Org ?
+ [2014-12-26T23:34:49Z] qballer I would like to change the terminal option (alt+F12) in Intellij to run the Github shell. How can I do this?
+ [2014-12-26T23:34:46Z] qballer Mongo Plugin
+ [2014-12-26T23:34:44Z] qballer any ideas guys ?
+ [2014-12-26T22:53:47Z] qballer I would like to change the terminal option (alt+F12) in Intellij to run the Github shell. How can I do this?