latest 12 messages by qknight

+ [2015-04-07T09:47:54Z] qknight git diff e104a7870fcdfd76198477605d54cdfa00240fb8 | xclip -> (this is the patch for 3 commits)
+ [2015-04-07T09:46:56Z] qknight this is my 'git log' history from my laptop:
+ [2015-04-07T09:46:16Z] qknight any ideas why it is not there?
+ [2015-04-07T09:46:09Z] qknight hi. i wonder why my local branch has 3 commits of mine and when i push it to github: 'git push qknight odroid_u3_nixos_porting' it lacks the second commit. i just don't see it here:
+ [2015-01-12T20:58:36Z] qknight Remram: yes i wanted to restore a commit which i deleted
+ [2015-01-12T20:04:48Z] qknight Remram: <- i clicked the little 'x' on the top right side (which you don't see as it is for the author only i guess)
+ [2015-01-12T19:32:23Z] qknight i've just removed a comment accidentaly. is there an easy way to get it back?
+ [2014-10-31T10:38:44Z] qknight anyway, thanks
+ [2014-10-31T10:38:39Z] qknight tobiasvl: but this also lists repos which are forked from somehwere else and to some i just know that i can commit directly (without having to do a pull request) but still the does not tell me the rights on these repos in regards to what i can do with them
+ [2014-10-31T10:35:36Z] qknight hi. how can i find out to which repositories i do have direct commit rights?
+ [2014-08-15T11:35:59Z] qknight Seveas: cool. thanks!
+ [2014-08-15T11:33:09Z] qknight hi. i wonder if it is still true that downloads (tar.gz or zip) files change checksum altough the content inside the container did not change. this is (or used to be) an issue for using such files for packaging