latest 18 messages by quassy

+ [2015-06-13T01:00:39Z] quassy Well have fun with your courses, gotta go
+ [2015-06-13T00:59:45Z] quassy :D
+ [2015-06-13T00:55:34Z] quassy that's all I changed
+ [2015-06-13T00:55:03Z] quassy pemrich: it works when you remove front matter from the incude file
+ [2015-06-13T00:31:48Z] quassy Your <head> element is not closing...
+ [2015-06-13T00:28:07Z] quassy Hm, you should probably upload your code to GitHub in order to get better help
+ [2015-06-13T00:23:50Z] quassy Convention over configuration
+ [2015-06-13T00:22:28Z] quassy It's the default directory, I have never explicitly told Jekyll to look there, so I believe it is not needed or even the reason why your code does not work
+ [2015-06-13T00:21:48Z] quassy pemrich: {% include _includes/head_tag_includes.html %} should be without _includes/.
+ [2015-06-13T00:19:35Z] quassy I don't what that means
+ [2015-06-13T00:07:27Z] quassy pemrich: Does it work?
+ [2015-06-13T00:01:18Z] quassy (I have read it somewhere on the internet, it must be true.)
+ [2015-06-13T00:00:35Z] quassy Yes
+ [2015-06-13T00:00:04Z] quassy pemrich: Does your index.html have front matter? I believe it should.
+ [2015-06-12T23:34:38Z] quassy @jaybe: {{ page.path }} looks good for referring to the original source file, but not the current URL
+ [2015-06-12T23:19:08Z] quassy jaybe: Thanks, I will take a look :)
+ [2015-06-12T23:09:00Z] quassy (I tried page.url.)
+ [2015-06-12T23:07:18Z] quassy What is the best / easiest way to add a css class to every page that corresponds to the currently viewed page? (e.g. mypage.tld/archives/2015 -> body class="lvl1-archives lvl2-2015")