latest 20 messages by rachelfish

+ [2016-10-21T12:24:51Z] rachelfish can't we all get along?
+ [2016-10-21T12:24:47Z] rachelfish suggests a campfire drum circle
+ [2016-10-21T12:24:22Z] rachelfish why do people do this
+ [2016-10-21T12:24:17Z] rachelfish why always ddoses
+ [2016-10-21T12:05:31Z] rachelfish Webhook deliveries aren't going through either
+ [2016-10-21T12:05:16Z] rachelfish So what's going on? The status page is showing me 404 not found
+ [2015-08-25T12:04:21Z] rachelfish Protip: The github status page has fun graphs
+ [2015-08-25T11:10:09Z] rachelfish Pretty bad ddos right now huh
+ [2015-05-26T22:43:13Z] rachelfish they moved because it's proprietary and don't want to support nonfree services
+ [2015-05-26T22:42:32Z] rachelfish I just came here to vent because a project I'm involved in decided to move all of their stuff off of github and I love github :(
+ [2015-05-26T22:30:01Z] rachelfish That's ok, I'm just tired of people thinking that a business can't be open source and successful at the same time
+ [2015-05-26T22:25:41Z] rachelfish I know of several projects that specifically left/don't use github because it's proprietary
+ [2015-05-26T22:23:20Z] rachelfish If github was really threatened by being open source, how come everyone isn't using ?
+ [2015-05-26T22:22:34Z] rachelfish People are paying for GitHub's infrastructure, not their git web interface
+ [2015-05-26T22:22:03Z] rachelfish GitHub offers great reliable service, and there are plenty of other git web interfaces out there
+ [2015-05-26T22:15:59Z] rachelfish And yet it's not even open source
+ [2015-05-26T22:15:52Z] rachelfish thibaultcha: Because when you go to it claims to be the world's largest open source community
+ [2015-05-26T22:03:12Z] rachelfish When is github going to be open sourced?