latest 18 messages by radiodario

+ [2013-08-09T08:50:07Z] radiodario Havvy: it's pretty clear. Make a gh-pages branch, make your jekyll page there, then just commit and push, github will build it and you'll have it available
+ [2013-07-31T09:10:05Z] radiodario jaybe: nah no plugins!
+ [2013-07-30T09:13:40Z] radiodario hi guys, i'm getting 'page build failed' from github, but it builds just fine in jekyll locally, no errors etc. Is there a way to get more helpful error messages back?
+ [2013-05-22T11:58:52Z] radiodario should I set it to the url of the site i.e.
+ [2013-05-22T11:58:26Z] radiodario (sorry first day using jekyll)
+ [2013-05-22T11:58:15Z] radiodario nothing at the moment
+ [2013-05-22T11:56:16Z] radiodario i'm using this method:
+ [2013-05-22T11:56:07Z] radiodario parkr: would that work both for my localhost and the site?
+ [2013-05-22T11:45:45Z] radiodario how do I setup the paths so that they work both on my localhost and on a github project page? using the recommended urlroot breaks this.
+ [2013-05-22T10:05:58Z] radiodario is there a way to include a javascript file into a jekyll page without having to copy and paste the whole thing?
+ [2013-05-22T08:49:34Z] radiodario i was using ```javascript
+ [2013-05-22T08:49:13Z] radiodario oh i see, i'm not meant to use markdown for this?
+ [2013-05-22T08:46:30Z] radiodario hi there, i'm struggling to get syntax highlihgting to work. I've set pygments: true on _config.yml and installed the pygments gem, as well as generated the style. Unfortunately, the code generated is just wrapped in <pre><code></code></pre> instead of having the pygments spans. Also it's ignoring ```javascript and just showing javascript as if it was part of the code. I tried to look up the config on the page but i'm redirected to the extra