latest 18 messages by radius

+ [2015-08-11T18:36:44Z] radius you did only git fetch
+ [2015-08-11T18:36:34Z] radius git fetch upstrea
+ [2015-08-11T18:16:28Z] radius git merge upstream/master
+ [2015-08-11T18:16:23Z] radius git fetch upstream
+ [2015-08-11T18:16:17Z] radius git remote add upstream $URLOFUPSTREAM
+ [2015-08-10T01:28:00Z] radius but it doesn't do advertising or anything like that
+ [2015-08-10T01:27:48Z] radius it's good for collaboration
+ [2015-08-10T01:27:40Z] radius that's it
+ [2015-08-10T01:27:34Z] radius github is a repository for open source project
+ [2015-08-10T01:27:14Z] radius no
+ [2015-08-10T01:23:52Z] radius it's not a Q&A forum
+ [2015-08-10T01:23:44Z] radius no, github is not stackoverflow
+ [2015-08-10T01:23:29Z] radius there is a search engine yes
+ [2015-08-10T01:23:23Z] radius you have to advertise your project I guess
+ [2015-08-10T01:22:36Z] radius and then open a pull request that you would merge if it's worthwhile
+ [2015-08-10T01:22:23Z] radius make changes or whatever
+ [2015-08-10T01:22:17Z] radius texvery, not really, they usually would fork
+ [2015-08-10T01:21:04Z] radius if there's interest they will come