latest 16 messages by rafasc

+ [2019-05-30T19:47:21Z] rafasc for example, the commit feed shows commits linearly. You have no idea that something like the 3rd happened.
+ [2019-05-30T19:45:06Z] rafasc Sometimes github doesn't give you a real picture of what is happening inside the repo.
+ [2019-05-30T19:44:49Z] rafasc Atlenohen: give more importance on how history looks in git itself, than what github shows.
+ [2019-05-30T19:12:39Z] rafasc Note that the the green (P1) and (P2) information will be gone once I delete my local branches.
+ [2019-05-30T19:10:41Z] rafasc if you only merge P2, you still get all the commits from P1, but you loose the context that they were different PRs.
+ [2019-05-30T19:09:42Z] rafasc the 3rd one, gives a better picture of how the work as done: PR1 got merged, PR2 based on PR1 got merged as well.
+ [2019-05-30T19:08:49Z] rafasc What changes is how the history gets recorded.
+ [2019-05-30T19:08:34Z] rafasc the end result should be the same, as in the files, should be the same.
+ [2019-05-30T19:07:30Z] rafasc
+ [2019-05-30T19:06:49Z] rafasc one sec.
+ [2019-05-30T19:05:43Z] rafasc Atlenohen: look at this:
+ [2019-05-30T18:51:40Z] rafasc You could also merge everyone individually. The main difference is how the history would be recorded.
+ [2019-05-30T18:51:12Z] rafasc Atlenohen: that's correct.
+ [2019-05-30T18:30:23Z] rafasc and if you merge one after another, it shouldn't get conflits.
+ [2019-05-30T18:28:32Z] rafasc while git allows you to merge multiple commits at the same time, github doesn't.
+ [2016-11-09T01:26:53Z] rafasc is there a way to swap from the github repo and the gh-page without manually adjusting the url?