latest 10 messages by raj

+ [2020-06-10T08:21:23Z] raj I ended up using https
+ [2020-06-10T08:21:17Z] raj thank you canton7
+ [2020-06-09T22:41:26Z] raj sorry, my github skills leave a lot to be desired!
+ [2020-06-09T22:09:11Z] raj I'm trying to `npm install` one of my repos via `npm install git+ssh://` but it asks for a password even though it's a public repo. Am I doing something wrong?
+ [2017-03-02T19:17:49Z] raj is there any issue with having two different accounts of mine using the same SSH key?
+ [2016-06-29T01:56:51Z] raj if I remove the .git directory, will that complete the removal process of a project I created on github? (I already deleted it on the website)
+ [2015-07-16T13:25:25Z] raj is it possible for files hosted by to have a different content-type?
+ [2015-04-16T12:59:33Z] raj nm
+ [2015-04-16T12:57:09Z] raj from the homepage, what's the shortest way to get to my watched projects?
+ [2015-02-25T02:33:47Z] raj if I fork someone's google app script project from github, how can I install/run my forked one?