latest 4 messages by ramsey
Line numbers appear on fenced code blocks, but do no appear on inline code.
ah ha! I was doing "kramdown: syntax_highlighter_opts: line_numbers: true" in _config.yml, which add line numbers to all code (even inline code). If I change it to "kramdown: syntax_highlighter_opts: block: line_numbers: true", (note "block") it works as expected.
If I remove "line_numbers: true", then everything works as expected, but I don't see line numbers in my fenced code blocks
I've been doing some searching for an issue I'm seeing with Jekyll and GFM, but all that's coming up are issue about fenced code blocks. My issue is with using inline backticks (i.e. `code here`). Jekyll appears to be filtering that through the syntax-highlighter and is generating table output, due to my use of "line_numers: true" in _config.yml. Has anyone else noticed this?