latest 13 messages by raphie_

+ [2013-10-06T04:47:13Z] raphie_ I was just wondering if there's a service that does that for you
+ [2013-10-06T04:47:06Z] raphie_ ahh ok
+ [2013-10-06T04:44:46Z] raphie_ I'm one of those people who's willing to pay a couple bucks to someone else so I don't have to worry about uptime
+ [2013-10-06T04:43:49Z] raphie_ I know I could set this up by renting a server and using --watch and nginx and the dropbox CLI but that's kind of a pain
+ [2013-10-06T04:43:30Z] raphie_ optimally we'd all share a dropbox folder and when anyone made changes it would regen
+ [2013-10-06T04:43:13Z] raphie_ or use the command line or anything
+ [2013-10-06T04:43:09Z] raphie_ I don't want them to have to install jekyll
+ [2013-10-06T04:43:01Z] raphie_ I'm the only techy guy on my school paper's team, and I've convinced them to learn markdown
+ [2013-10-06T04:42:38Z] raphie_ pontiki: well dropbox for the sharing aspect
+ [2013-10-06T03:26:54Z] raphie_ anyone know of a jekyll dropbox service? there are all these companies that will host your site via dropbox, but I can't find one that'll render jekyll for you
+ [2013-10-03T20:02:20Z] raphie_ is this possible?
+ [2013-10-03T20:02:12Z] raphie_ so if in my posts, I use the categories foo, bar, and baz, I'd like it to generate a page containing foo-categorized posts, another for bar, and another for baz
+ [2013-10-03T20:01:41Z] raphie_ hey guys! I'm looking to auto-generate pages, one for each category I'm using