latest 20 messages by rascharles

+ [2015-08-15T00:31:37Z] rascharles Anyone here who might be able to help with
+ [2015-08-14T22:08:51Z] rascharles Glad to help ctrlshftn
+ [2015-08-14T22:08:21Z] rascharles ctrlshftn:
+ [2015-08-14T22:06:47Z] rascharles ctrlshftn: wouldn't that be a pull request?
+ [2015-08-14T21:00:03Z] rascharles I'm on Yosemite. Another person on Mavericks, another on El Capitain.
+ [2015-08-14T20:59:48Z] rascharles Other people are experiencing the problem, too.
+ [2015-08-14T20:59:28Z] rascharles Was wondering if there is anyone around now that might be able to help me w/
+ [2015-08-14T20:59:12Z] rascharles Sorry, at work in a webex working w/ folks on automated patch installs for one of our apps
+ [2015-08-14T19:48:38Z] rascharles Any boxen users/devs around?
+ [2015-08-14T13:48:00Z] rascharles ThiefMaster: Thanks for the tip. I updated the issue.
+ [2015-08-14T11:14:41Z] rascharles And it looks like boxen is failing to download node from s3
+ [2015-08-14T11:14:21Z] rascharles Well thanks to the slideshare by wfarr I ran boxen in debug mode
+ [2015-08-14T10:55:40Z] rascharles But I've not come across anything else like Boxen
+ [2015-08-14T10:55:18Z] rascharles Can anyone help? I'm more into python and saltstack (for managing our servers in AWS) than puppet and Ruby.
+ [2015-08-14T10:54:40Z] rascharles I filed this issue on github
+ [2015-08-14T10:54:22Z] rascharles I just got a new macbook from work. Was hoping to install all my tools using boxen. However ran into problems w/ node.js.
+ [2015-08-14T02:39:35Z] rascharles I guess this is the wrong time of night/day to be asking questions here.
+ [2015-08-14T02:24:55Z] rascharles I opened
+ [2015-08-14T01:34:41Z] rascharles support Yosemite?
+ [2015-08-14T01:34:34Z] rascharles Hmmm...maybe doesn't yet suppor