latest 20 messages by razieliyo

+ [2016-11-02T02:06:00Z] razieliyo maybe it's a bug
+ [2016-11-02T02:05:57Z] razieliyo
+ [2016-11-02T01:54:18Z] razieliyo but judging from examples I see out there, it should be working
+ [2016-11-02T01:54:05Z] razieliyo for object in site.collection.subfolder
+ [2016-11-02T01:53:55Z] razieliyo subfolders are not working for collections here :S
+ [2016-10-31T01:08:17Z] razieliyo is it supposed to not work?
+ [2016-10-31T01:08:13Z] razieliyo I was trying to use categories in my collection like having a folder _mycollection/somecategory/ and trying to access objects via site.mycollection.somecategory, but it doesn't work
+ [2015-10-26T01:47:04Z] razieliyo jaybe, and what if I want realtions between data? I mean, a person object could have a related role object, and many people could have the same role
+ [2015-10-26T01:06:34Z] razieliyo I've not ever used jekyll, what I know is that you can generate static sites from markdown text files
+ [2015-10-26T01:06:10Z] razieliyo imagine I want to use some data associated to a model (i.e.: a person) and I want to render it in my page with jekyll, it would be nice to store this data in just one place, is this possible with some jekyll feature or plugin?
+ [2015-10-26T01:05:11Z] razieliyo I was thinking about some use cases when using jekyll
+ [2015-09-23T01:46:34Z] razieliyo VxJasonxV, oh, thanks
+ [2015-09-23T00:47:39Z] razieliyo what is github done with? just being curious