latest 11 messages by rcreasey

+ [2016-02-26T18:13:03Z] rcreasey does this channel field git-lfs questions?
+ [2015-09-17T18:26:49Z] rcreasey but it still doesn't seem to work; it's only trying to push over ssh
+ [2015-09-17T18:26:36Z] rcreasey I tried setting git config -f .gitconfig lfs.url ""
+ [2015-09-17T18:26:00Z] rcreasey ie:
+ [2015-09-17T18:25:40Z] rcreasey and for some reason the repository wants to try and push over ssh
+ [2015-09-17T18:25:26Z] rcreasey i'm trying to push to my private gh:e instance (2.2.1)
+ [2015-09-17T18:24:52Z] rcreasey after the conversion's been run
+ [2015-09-17T18:24:24Z] rcreasey I'm trying to do an lfs conversion on a repository I have filled with .fla files
+ [2015-09-17T18:14:33Z] rcreasey is this an appropriate channel to field lfs issues with github enterprise?