latest 7 messages by realeyes

+ [2015-03-11T02:28:21Z] realeyes im thinking there is a conflict because the posts arent showing up at
+ [2015-03-11T02:27:52Z] realeyes then i have poole/ in there
+ [2015-03-11T02:27:43Z] realeyes
+ [2015-03-11T02:26:40Z] realeyes I've got my repos in place, not sure if the structure is correct
+ [2015-03-11T02:24:59Z] realeyes i need some help with jekyll / poole / customizing my jekyll blog
+ [2015-03-11T02:24:43Z] realeyes anyone care to help a newb?
+ [2015-03-11T02:24:25Z] realeyes oh wow a channel