latest 19 messages by redblade7

+ [2017-05-16T01:40:56Z] redblade7 i could only find that one related to web upload
+ [2017-05-16T01:40:40Z] redblade7 would be great if i could get the "first time" page and bookmark it
+ [2017-05-16T01:40:29Z] redblade7 now it works fine
+ [2017-05-16T01:40:26Z] redblade7
+ [2017-05-16T01:40:19Z] redblade7 actually I needed a "git push -f origin master" for the first one
+ [2017-05-16T01:37:31Z] redblade7 fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories
+ [2017-05-16T01:37:30Z] redblade7 i tried "git pull" and this is what i get
+ [2017-05-16T01:34:54Z] redblade7 i have a directory with a and three other files that I want to upload
+ [2017-05-16T01:33:40Z] redblade7 it keeps saying i need to do a "git pull" when the only thing there is a and i want to replace it
+ [2017-05-16T01:28:07Z] redblade7 [rejected] master -> master (fetch first)
+ [2017-05-16T01:25:51Z] redblade7 it was "git init" before that right?
+ [2017-05-16T01:24:31Z] redblade7 it wasn't this as i did it from the command line:
+ [2017-05-16T01:23:27Z] redblade7 so i want to know what commands came before those three so i can upload my project files
+ [2017-05-16T01:22:43Z] redblade7 there was a tutorial but i didnt see it this time
+ [2017-05-16T01:22:29Z] redblade7 whatever came before "git add files", git commit -m "reason", and "git push -u origin master"
+ [2017-05-16T01:21:55Z] redblade7 i dont remember the commands
+ [2017-05-16T01:21:47Z] redblade7 i set up another and i didnt get the instructions
+ [2017-05-16T01:21:43Z] redblade7 when i set up my first github project the other day, it gave me instructions on how to set it up