latest 13 messages by reduce

+ [2015-05-31T15:59:22Z] reduce thanks thibaultcha
+ [2015-05-31T15:55:50Z] reduce is concerned he may have just spammed the guy
+ [2015-05-31T15:55:32Z] reduce does the PR maintainer get an email every time i update a comment i added to a PR, or just when i first post it?
+ [2015-05-31T01:56:48Z] reduce google tells me i can
+ [2015-05-31T01:55:19Z] reduce hey, can i do a force push on a branch which is currently part of a pull request?
+ [2015-05-28T19:33:14Z] reduce thanks Seveas
+ [2015-05-28T19:33:09Z] reduce yea, that sthe issue
+ [2015-05-28T19:33:00Z] reduce but, i branched without getting latest
+ [2015-05-28T19:32:45Z] reduce i have done that
+ [2015-05-28T19:32:23Z] reduce the diff seems to be wrong
+ [2015-05-28T19:32:08Z] reduce now when i create a 2nd pull request, its showing the commits from the first pull request as well as the new one
+ [2015-05-28T19:31:26Z] reduce i have submitted a pull request to a project which was accepted
+ [2015-05-26T00:08:08Z] reduce hi, i cloned direct from another users github repo to my local machine, now i foked that project to my github account. How can i push my changes from my local repo to my github repo?