latest 6 messages by rena_

+ [2016-12-03T20:40:59Z] rena_ ;)*
+ [2016-12-03T20:40:57Z] rena_ it's not really important but it would be cool to be able to do it though. thank you for your time ;(
+ [2016-12-03T20:37:39Z] rena_ Because I have a couple of big CSVs and each time I add one they add like 150K lines of code to the counter on github.
+ [2016-12-03T20:34:09Z] rena_ Why I want to do that?
+ [2016-12-03T20:33:20Z] rena_ :P Thanks for that. Yep that's it.
+ [2016-12-03T20:27:56Z] rena_ Hi there, is there a way to add a file to my repo without having git counting its lines? It's a pretty big file and was wondering if there's another way maybe?