latest 11 messages by retrojeff

+ [2016-06-25T16:33:20Z] retrojeff I could download the repo zip file and add it manually?
+ [2016-06-25T16:32:16Z] retrojeff I am trying to clone someone else repo but it only shows my own repos
+ [2016-06-25T16:31:38Z] retrojeff I need help with the github desktop client for windows
+ [2015-12-05T05:33:58Z] retrojeff
+ [2015-12-05T05:33:58Z] retrojeff I spotted this from a google search
+ [2015-12-05T05:32:17Z] retrojeff would it be hard to convert a mercurial project to git and keep all the history intact
+ [2015-11-22T01:18:04Z] retrojeff I want to fork a project create a 2nd branch and compare my changes with the original/master
+ [2015-11-22T01:17:28Z] retrojeff will github compare (show a diff) 2 branches?
+ [2015-11-12T07:16:15Z] retrojeff probley because I posted 2 issues back to back on a project
+ [2015-11-12T07:15:19Z] retrojeff and to contact github about it
+ [2015-11-12T07:15:12Z] retrojeff I just got some message asking me if I was human?