latest 20 messages by rfuentess

+ [2017-03-01T10:39:53Z] rfuentess is a good effort to making the use of Git friendly to everyone, but it is still with limitations
+ [2017-03-01T10:39:31Z] rfuentess remember that Github runs over Git, which in turn it was never GUI (I could be wrong here)
+ [2017-03-01T10:39:13Z] rfuentess hio, yeah happens sometimes
+ [2017-03-01T10:25:06Z] rfuentess if not, then generate a new one
+ [2017-03-01T10:24:57Z] rfuentess hio, and in the original repository theire is not a single PR of yours ?
+ [2017-03-01T10:16:57Z] rfuentess but normally, when the thing is flawless are two screens (or one? can't remember)
+ [2017-03-01T10:16:26Z] rfuentess hio only if it was completed
+ [2017-03-01T10:10:08Z] rfuentess what it could had happened is that your PR was not possible to generated in first place
+ [2017-03-01T10:09:52Z] rfuentess hio, check your e-mails
+ [2017-02-07T12:17:31Z] rfuentess I mean, once that the fix is added to the main branch (or developer) other people can do a cherry-pick ? (I'm not that expert)
+ [2017-02-07T12:16:53Z] rfuentess ncopa, why the multiples branches ?
+ [2017-02-06T15:57:15Z] rfuentess Dougie187, JudgeGorsuch: It is also possible to generate an unique DOI for that testing file with (which targets to a github tag)
+ [2017-02-06T14:51:11Z] rfuentess Also, Github lets you to upload any type of file or binary of any length, BUT, they *hope* it will be according to your repo (That is, they can check your repo anytime)
+ [2017-02-06T14:50:13Z] rfuentess so, the politics incline the people to use any type of open license.
+ [2017-02-06T14:49:53Z] rfuentess JudgeGorsuch, I'm not official member of Github, but you must understand that the code that you upload will be of public access, at least that you pay for a membershib
+ [2017-01-24T10:33:51Z] rfuentess Caterpillar, maybe in your inbox ?
+ [2017-01-23T16:20:21Z] rfuentess sorry BlueProtoman I'm not that expert on the dark arts of Github
+ [2017-01-23T16:08:43Z] rfuentess git checkout REMOTE:Branch -- <PATH to single file>
+ [2017-01-23T16:08:26Z] rfuentess sorry, there is repeated portion