latest 11 messages by ribasushi

+ [2015-05-13T08:30:47Z] ribasushi seems like the answer is yes
+ [2015-05-13T08:22:21Z] ribasushi is it just "public_repo" and nothing else?
+ [2015-05-13T08:21:52Z] ribasushi I can't seem to find docs on what auth scopes do I need for a token that is *only* to be used to push to a particual repository via https
+ [2014-09-15T11:16:54Z] ribasushi stuff like that
+ [2014-09-15T11:16:52Z] ribasushi CONTRIBUTING.(any format) will be rendered during PR creation
+ [2014-09-15T11:16:39Z] ribasushi README.(any supported format) will be rendered on the first page
+ [2014-09-15T11:16:24Z] ribasushi my question was about the UI special files
+ [2014-09-15T11:16:13Z] ribasushi Seveas: no, this is how github-flavoured-markdown works
+ [2014-09-15T11:11:03Z] ribasushi wonders if his question made it - my connection is flaky today
+ [2014-09-15T10:35:36Z] ribasushi hi, is there a definitive list of "special files" that github understands? things like, etc...?