latest 19 messages by rickharrison

+ [2013-08-21T04:55:07Z] rickharrison As long as nginx is serving it correctly, I shouldn't have any seo problems though right?
+ [2013-08-21T04:54:22Z] rickharrison Right, I just prefer not having the trailing slash shown
+ [2013-08-21T04:48:39Z] rickharrison i.e. not have the .html extension on it
+ [2013-08-21T04:48:33Z] rickharrison Is it possible to have jekyll generate posts as blog/my-file-name.html but have {{ post.url }} equate to blog/my-file-name
+ [2013-08-21T04:45:43Z] rickharrison that made it 301 back and forth
+ [2013-08-21T04:45:41Z] rickharrison rewrite ^/(.*)/$ /$1 permanent;
+ [2013-08-21T04:45:27Z] rickharrison sorry i just removed the part that made it 301
+ [2013-08-21T04:44:29Z] rickharrison
+ [2013-08-21T04:43:52Z] rickharrison Perhaps, I could have a rewrite rule in nginx to just forward blog to blog.html
+ [2013-08-21T04:41:54Z] rickharrison The rewrite rules Ive tried for nginx result in an infinite 301 cycle
+ [2013-08-21T04:41:36Z] rickharrison I see that some people forked jekyll so that you can generate posts as my-post-name.html instead of my-post-name/index.html
+ [2013-08-21T04:41:01Z] rickharrison Yea, I can't figure out how to have nginx not add the slash
+ [2013-08-21T04:39:32Z] rickharrison because its actually a directory
+ [2013-08-21T04:39:27Z] rickharrison it changes the url to /blog/
+ [2013-08-21T04:35:59Z] rickharrison i have it in a subdirectory, but i want it it to be instead of
+ [2013-08-21T04:29:05Z] rickharrison Does anyone know how to remove the last "/" from the url in nginx