latest 8 messages by riegersn

+ [2019-03-15T21:00:13Z] riegersn Im struggling today to figure this out. I've made myself a code owner but that doesn't seem to help
+ [2019-03-15T20:59:46Z] riegersn How can I configure our protected branch to allow specific users to not need a review to merge?
+ [2019-03-15T19:26:21Z] riegersn although im seeing partially degraded service on the status page now
+ [2019-03-15T19:25:54Z] riegersn just a hiccup maybe ;p
+ [2019-03-15T19:25:46Z] riegersn was like that for about 5 minutes, now it seems to be ok
+ [2019-03-15T19:20:34Z] riegersn We are unable to create any pull requests, stuck on "Checking mergeability…"
+ [2019-03-15T19:20:03Z] riegersn All our repos are stuck on "Fetching latest commit…"
+ [2019-03-15T19:06:12Z] riegersn Hi! When setting up CODEOWNERS, I have a develop branch that the rest of my team submits PRs too. Currently PR is required however I want to make myself a codeowner. Can I create this CODEOWNERS file and submit to our develop branch via PR? or does an admin have to commit it directly?