latest 6 messages by rivarun

+ [2017-01-06T22:03:54Z] rivarun oh. i just ran the exact same command and it worked. i'll take it that was a github hiccup
+ [2017-01-06T22:01:54Z] rivarun hello. i have forked a github project, added the fork as a remote and i'm now trying to push to it like so: `git push my_username my_new_branch`. however i get `! [remote rejected] my_new_branch -> my_new_branch (pre-receive hook declined)`. in github settings there's no protected branches. how can i figure out what's going on?
+ [2015-01-27T09:54:03Z] rivarun just to be clear. i clicked "edit" in the comment and added their name
+ [2015-01-27T09:53:20Z] rivarun VxJasonxV: as in, a github comment, not actual code
+ [2015-01-27T09:49:52Z] rivarun VxJasonxV: in a code comment
+ [2015-01-27T09:38:56Z] rivarun hi all. when editing something that i've posted to include someones @nickname, will they get notified about it?