latest 12 messages by rmetzger

+ [2014-08-25T14:07:49Z] rmetzger I just need to get something running
+ [2014-08-25T14:07:44Z] rmetzger I don't have soo much time to do a perfect migration
+ [2014-08-25T14:07:32Z] rmetzger ;) I'm going to give kramdown + GitHub compat mode a try
+ [2014-08-25T14:06:28Z] rmetzger ok, thank you
+ [2014-08-25T14:03:34Z] rmetzger does it also have the "```scala" syntax
+ [2014-08-25T14:02:39Z] rmetzger we need pygments to highlight Scala code
+ [2014-08-25T14:02:28Z] rmetzger my colleague tells me that code highlighting with pygments does not work with kramdown
+ [2014-08-25T14:01:49Z] rmetzger I'll see if we can simply switch the renderer
+ [2014-08-25T13:55:47Z] rmetzger the issue is that the tool is including source comments starting with # into generated TOC as well
+ [2014-08-25T13:55:20Z] rmetzger to dynamically render a TOC
+ [2014-08-25T13:55:12Z] rmetzger Hi guys, I have a quick question regarding Jekyll: we are using this plugin: