latest 9 messages by rnkn

+ [2017-03-07T04:29:47Z] rnkn ah, I see, I'm on 3.3.1 and group_by_exp was only released in 3.4.0
+ [2017-03-07T04:17:22Z] rnkn Here's my attempt
+ [2017-03-07T04:14:42Z] rnkn Hello, I'm trying to use group_by_exp to group site.posts by month, but can't figure it out... this should be a one-liner right?
+ [2014-10-22T11:52:43Z] rnkn luto: but it's private (not sensitive), so secret gist is good for me
+ [2014-10-22T11:52:06Z] rnkn luto: yeah it doesn't really need branches, tags could do for what I want
+ [2014-10-22T11:50:13Z] rnkn is anyone home?
+ [2014-10-22T11:50:05Z] rnkn hello?
+ [2014-10-22T11:23:12Z] rnkn does not support multiple branches?
+ [2014-07-07T02:38:22Z] rnkn does jekyll support an "expires: YYYY-MM-DD" in the frontmatter?