latest 12 messages by rob__

+ [2013-07-22T00:13:19Z] rob__ bye
+ [2013-07-22T00:13:18Z] rob__ cheers
+ [2013-07-22T00:09:19Z] rob__ any further suggestion I could try to achieve that?
+ [2013-07-22T00:09:02Z] rob__ mh... I see...
+ [2013-07-22T00:06:42Z] rob__ i'll try pushing the op source dir after a generate, and let github run jekyll on it... and see how it works...
+ [2013-07-22T00:05:59Z] rob__ that is a very good point of jekyll (being able to update the site and create posts online from but op is much better for all the rest... still wondering how to leverage the best of the two
+ [2013-07-22T00:04:29Z] rob__ cheers
+ [2013-07-21T23:54:50Z] rob__ am I right or I'm missing something?
+ [2013-07-21T23:54:26Z] rob__ One advantage of pushing the source (i.e. when using plain jekyll) is that you can then modify or create new posts directly on and as far as I got it, this gets lost when using octopress...
+ [2013-07-21T23:52:58Z] rob__ oh, those are two good reasons, indeed. Thanks.
+ [2013-07-21T23:39:39Z] rob__ Learning to use octopress, and was wondering the advantage of pushing the _deploy/ folder (rake deploy) instead of directly the source folder and let github run jekyll on it... thanks for your opinions!
+ [2013-07-21T23:37:31Z] rob__ Hi