latest 7 messages by robdodson

+ [2014-01-18T01:12:47Z] robdodson jaybe: ok thanks :)
+ [2014-01-18T00:11:41Z] robdodson either passed as a command line argument or (preferably) whichever file I just saved?
+ [2014-01-18T00:11:09Z] robdodson does anyone know if it's possible to have jekyll parse a single markdown file?
+ [2013-08-23T03:39:08Z] robdodson jaybe: cool thanks!
+ [2013-08-23T03:26:48Z] robdodson jaybe: what about 2.1?
+ [2013-08-23T01:03:33Z] robdodson Is there a good place to go to figure out the current status of Octopress? I'm running 2.0 but was just looking over the GitHub branches and it looks like there are a few other versions in the works